Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: January 2018

Alan 豪厄尔是外语系的主席,今年是他在esball世博执教的第34个年头.​
What is your education 和 background?
AH: 我在卡拉马祖学院读本科,主修西班牙语和文学,辅修器乐. 大三的时候,我在西班牙和一个西班牙家庭住在一起,学习西班牙历史, art 和 literature. 作为本科课程的一部分,我完成了密歇根教师执照的要求. 毕业后,我回到西班牙,教了几个月的西班牙学生英语. I did my graduate degree at University of 密歇根, 我在那里做助教,并获得了西班牙语言文学硕士学位.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
AH: 在来esball世博之前,我在渥太华湖的怀特福德农业学校教初中英语和高中西班牙语, 密歇根. 搬到芝加哥后,我在一所另类小学找了份工作,教授所有科目. Following that experience, 我在芝加哥南部的圣母学院待了三年. I began my years at Fenwick in the summer of 1983.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
AH: I am reading the following books for my personal enjoyment: 科学与死后体验,当治疗成为犯罪  Secret 历史 of Extraterrestrials. 

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
AH: 我的兴趣包括园艺、看经典电影、阅读和锻炼.

To what teams 和/or clubs did you belong as a student?
AH: As a student my main interest was b和.  I played in the marching b和, concert b和 和 the jazz b和. My instruments were the trumpet 和 baritone.  I was a member of the JETS club. I served as editor of the school newspaper one year. 我写了一篇关于高中事件的每周专栏,每周日刊登在《esball世博》上 Kalamazoo Gazette 以及其他地区学校学生提交的文章.

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
AH: At Fenwick I am the moderator of the Spanish Club. 

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
AH: 我发现esball世博的学生非常聪明、上进、有风度. 他们中的大多数人都很有幽默感,我在课堂上度过了许多美好的时光和欢笑. The students work hard 和 are goal-oriented. 如果他们在课堂上学到了很多东西,他们会足够成熟地去欣赏. 这些年来,我从学生那里收到了许多非常友好的感谢信. 

AH: I had planned to be a teacher from an early age. 我最初的想法是成为一名音乐老师,但我对西班牙语非常感兴趣,并在大二时换了专业. 我崇拜过我的一些老师,发现他们的榜样很有启发性. 年轻时,我在学校比在家更快乐,这可能影响了我的决定. I was never motivated by earning a lot of money. 我更关心的是做一些我觉得有趣和有益的事情. 

AH: 我认为这有助于我有幽默感,不把自己太当回事. I try very hard to be fair in dealing with the students. 我尽我所能的组织和明确我的期望,给学生一个合理的,但具有挑战性的课程. 我知道,如果我不这样做,我就不能要求他们负责任,实现他们的目标. I think that it is important to set the example. 

What is your philosophy of education?
AH: I don’t know that I have a philosophy of education as such. 我认为教育是非常重要的,我认真对待我的职责和责任. I always try to do the best that I can with every group. 我尽量对学生的需求保持敏感,并愿意每年和每堂课调整我的期望,以便根据每个小组的能力和需求量身定制教学. 我试着平易近人,我试着避免对我的期望武断或武断.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
AH: 当一个班级在一年中与我相处融洽,并在班级评估中表现良好时,我总是感到成功. 当一个学生一开始遇到困难,然后掌握并取得优异成绩时,这是特别有益的. 近年来,我很高兴看到我的学生在AP考试中取得高分. 

What is the greatest challenge facing students today?
AH: 如今,我们的学生面临着许多挑战,肯定比我在高中时面临的要多.  I am amazed at how much some our students do at Fenwick. Many of them have athletic practices for hours every day. Some have jobs outside school. They appear in school plays 和 concerts. They participate in academic teams 和 contests. They are involved in charity work.  Somehow, they manage to keep up with their studies, as well. 他们申请并被名牌学院和大学录取,那里的竞争无疑更具挑战性. 我们听说与社交媒体相关的压力也会影响他们的压力水平, 和 yet they manage to excel in the classroom, in activities 和 in their personal lives.

AH我尽我所能去鼓励学生,让课堂变得有趣和有价值. I try not to waste the students’ time. I keep the atmosp在这里 as positive as possible. 我班上的学生必须充分参与,因为我最可靠的技巧是问每一行一个问题,然后听每个学生的回答. In this way, 每个人都说,每个人都得到必要的口语练习,这对掌握一门外语是非常重要的. 
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